Watch Your Sales Skyrocket Quickly with Google Ads

Are you losing sales to your competition even though you offer the same, similar, or better products and services? Time to put an end to this! For the effort you put in day in and day out, you deserve better. The difficult challenge to overcome is your competition taking the lion’s share of the market. How do you even begin to catch up? What can you do to close that gap and gain an appreciable amount in the fastest and most effective way possible?

The answer is simple. Choose Digital Movement to do Google Ads in Shepparton!

Google Ads Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is one of the fastest strategies to generate sometimes almost unbelievable returns on investment in a near instant. What you will be doing is enabling Digital Movement to be your Google Ads PPC agency in Shepparton to create ads of your products and/or services and display them on Google Search results and other websites.

With Google having 86.64% of the market share compared to other search engines, all you have to do is select us to implement tested-and-proven Google Ads strategies. By designing, creating, and implementing a highly customised Google Ad campaign, Digital Movement will help you take a tiny slice of this hundred-billion-dollar revenue-generating online advertising platform.

In 2021 alone, Google’s Ad revenue hit a whopping A$334.48 billion! Now imagine getting just a very small percentage of that. If you want to gain back the sales that has been gobbled up by the competition, then this the way to go. The average Google Ad return is 200%! Simply put, for every $1 you spend, you get $2 back.

With Google Ads, you have an amazing opportunity to strike ahead of your competitors by appearing front and centre in your target audiences’ online search results. Over 250,000 Google searches are made in Australia each day. Now, with your products and/or services being frequently seen, your chances become exponentially greater that people will visit your website and buy what you have to offer.
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It is a fact that more than 8 out of 10 businesses trust Google Ads for their online advertising campaigns. Over 1.2 million businesses rely on it to market their products and services. Google Ads PPC generates twice the visitors that SEO does. So, instead of waiting for potential customers to find you organically online, you are effectively reaching out to them to show that you have exactly what they want!

Businesses who have leveraged Google Ads know that people are four times more likely to click ads on Google than any other online advertising network. With it, more than 6 out of 10 people who search for a certain product will actually click on an ad if they are looking to buy something. Because of this, businesses get 68% of the revenue if the ads for their products and/or services appear on Google Ads.

With the amazingly high return, there is no wonder why businesses trust Google Ads. Now, the challenge is to come up with the proper strategy to beat the numerous and growing number of businesses who have already taken the leap to get those dollars up for grabs. This is where Digital Movement comes in. By partnering with a trusted Google Ads company in Shepparton with extensive tried-and-tested industry know-how, we can help you build campaigns that will achieve a comprehensive advantage over your competitors.

So, what are you waiting for? It is time to stop losing sales to your competition and start growing your business by working with Digital Movement – the best Google Ads Agency in Shepparton!
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Generate New Leads & New Business

Grow your business and achieve sustainable revenue growth by ensuring that the customers closest to you are the ones who call or knock on your door time and time again. With a greater percentage of consumers searching the web for what they need, you can take a bigger piece of that pie by establishing a more prominent local online presence.

  • See your online website traffic skyrocket
  • Attract more customers within your city, suburb, or town
  • Have greater brand awareness of your business
  • Be a step ahead of your local competition
  • Convert leads to full-fledged loyal customers
  • Boost sales and generate more sales opportunities
  • Increase profits and achieve sustainable revenue growth
  • Grow your business and achieve online success

Stay On Top with Our Local SEO Process

Want more sales from the people around you? At Digital Movement, our local SEO
strategy means actually reaching those within easy reach.

At Digital Movement, we let our work speak for itself. With a proven track record of helping businesses like yours grow, our highly skilled and experienced SEO team takes pride in not only meeting all your requirements but exceeding your expectations. Thinking out of the box is a normal daily occurrence for us. What we do is take that box and transform it into an entirely new form that never seizes to amaze our clients. Leveraging our knowledge and expertise in search engine optimisation, we will find innovative ways to help you build a strong foundation that will sustain continuous online success.

We love the work we do and we want to help you and your business grow fast. You can expect us to be fully dedicated in providing ongoing account management and direct access to our consultants through phone or email. Work with us and you will discover that we are a results-driven team of highly qualified specialists united in the pursuit of achieving one ultimate goal – helping you achieve true success! Speak with us today and let us show you what we can do.
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Gain the SEO blueprint to building a strong foundation for sustainable online success. With Digital Movement, you have a skilled SEO team at your disposal that can draw up highly effective action plans and execution strategies that will deliver fast results. Your SEO solution will be customised by our online success architects to not only fulfill your specific needs and requirements today but well into the future.

  • Meticulous analysis of your current organic rankings
  • Full and comprehensive competitor analysis
  • Develop and implement a detailed action plan to improve rankings
  • Infuse effective SEO strategies into your campaign
  • Continuous optimisation for sustainable online success

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At Digital Movement, we walk the walk! We are proud to say that the tailored SEO strategies that we have designed and implemented have worked for a multitude of clients across various business sectors. This is why business owners trust what we say and do. Our experience has allowed us to develop the skills necessary to achieve the results we want every single time.

We are driven by our steadfast commitment to the work we do for you. This is why you will have dedicated account managers who will work closely with you at every stage of the process. You will have them as your first point of contact for any questions you might have as well as brief you each step of the way. We will go the extra mile to ensure that you will not have to worry about anything but sitting back and relaxing while the customers start to call or come knocking at your door.
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After the implementation of your customised SEO strategy, you can expect continuous monitoring and analysing of all your website data on a periodic basis. Using leading-edge technology and techniques, we can get accurate information of your online performance and generate reports if needed. Our SEO experts will then use this data to further streamline your SEO campaign to ensure the best results.

At Digital Movement, we utilise tested-and-proven on-page and off-page SEO strategies that deliver our desired outcomes. With SEO being a long-term strategy and not a remedy for instant online success, we make sure to work closely with you so you can see the latest improvements in your online rankings as well as the increase in your website’s organic traffic. You can be assured that you will know exactly what is happening while climbing that ladder to online success.Grow your business with local SEO today!

Contact us for Local SEO help today
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